Rolling out Weel to your business is simple. Most businesses have Weel up and running in less than a week.
If you would like help rolling out Weel to your business please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We'd love to help you and your staff get up and running on Weel.
1. Communicate that you will be using Weel for your expenses
Send a message to your staff or spread the word through an internal meeting. It's important to let your team know that there will be a change to the way that they manage their expenses coming up (for the better!).
This is a standard communications template that you can use:
Hi everyone, in the coming weeks we will be rolling out Weel - a virtual corporate card app that eliminates card sharing, reimbursements and expense reporting.
You will receive an invite to join our Weel account shortly. Please click the link in this email to create your account and download the Weel mobile app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
We have training scheduled for {insert time and date}. In this session, you will be shown how to use your Weel virtual corporate card to pay for expenses and how your expense reporting will be completed automatically.
2. Invite your staff to Weel
Invite your staff to your Weel account and add them to a budget. This will allow each staff member to be issued with a virtual corporate card.
3. Ensure staff have created their Weel account and downloaded the mobile app
Once you invite your staff to Weel they will receive an email prompting them to join your team and create an account.
Once they have created their account it's important that your staff download the Weel mobile app so that they can access their virtual corporate cards.
To make your training session run as smoothly as possible please make sure that they have done this before the session.
4. Run training sessions
We recommend running separate sessions for Admins, Accountants and Team members using our Quick Start Guides:
Ensure that staff members come to the session with their laptops and mobile phones so that they can participate as you run your training sessions.
Encourage participation and make sure you leave time for questions throughout each session.
5. Send a follow-up note with Quick Start Guides
Follow up participants with a thank you note and answer any outstanding questions from the training session.
It's worthwhile linking staff members to their relevant Quick Start Guide so that they can reference it if they forget a step.