To create a budget:
Open the Budgets page
Click Create New Budget
Enter the Name of the budget
Select how often you’d like your budget limit to top-up
Every Week: The budget limit will automatically top-up every Sunday at 12am.
Every Month: The budget limit will automatically top-up on the 1st day of every month
One-time Only: The budget limit will top-up once when the budget is created. This is ideal for one-off budgets like projects, events and campaigns.
Enter how much you want your budget limit to top-up to. If you create a weekly or monthly budget this is how much your budget limit will top-up to when it rolls over to the new week or month.
Select the staff you’d like to have access to this budget
Select the staff that you’d like to be Approvers of this budget. Approvers can approve or decline any requests to increase the budget or card limits and they can also view all transactions that occur within the budget.
Toggle on Card Limits if you'd like to set specific card limits for each cardholder. Once this is turned on you will be able to set each cardholder's card limit.
Click Create
Once you have created a budget, each cardholder will have access to the budget and will be able to spend against it from the Weel mobile app. You will be able to track budget progress in real-time from the overview and see a breakdown of each cardholder's spending by clicking into the budget.